08 October, 2014

A Cracked Mirror

A Cracked Mirror

To say it was a mirror, that it was you, but not. 
To look that mirror in the eyes, it's impossible. 
The mirror was cracked and worn out already. 
The mirror sees what it wants, also what not. 
The mirror is cracked, though it still sees you. 
You speak to similarities, but tis only a mirror.
To share nothing in common, was just a face. 
The mirrored you reversed, whilst look toward
The mirror, it looks away, it faces backwards. 
And commons are more uncommon in detail. 
The mirror is cracked, you have come by late. 
If you removed it from your wall you'd forget. 
Mirrors never forget, they show all in silence. 
They dull, they mar, to scar, become clouded. 
This one was in disrepair, only to find too late. 
Ill-used, greying, never was a thing to behold. 
Its cracked, tired, you can replace it; to forget. 
Mirror does not forget, it clouds further, cries.   
If you smashed it to a thousand pieces, and
Swept them all together, set fragments loose;
That is all it was, to become a broken mirror. 
It's never worked that way for her, not once. 
Every flame in the night, every one still keeps
A vigil in those eyes you cannot see inside of.
That is why she cannot bear to let you look.  
Beaten, broken, raped, pillaged, savages of
Days and decades ever, all still resting there. 
A mirror never forgets, but it reflects, always. 
Every chip taken, every scratch, every gouge,
All stories that remain, as much a part as any. 
But smile anyway, it was only one silly mirror. 
Find a new mirror, and polish it, don't mark it. 
Forged thin, fragile, a looking glass, take care. 
It would show you more than this ever could. 
But take heed, still only reflection, its not you. 


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