27 October, 2014

Arousing Curiosity

Arousing Curiosity

The curves and angles of her face delight me. 
Tiny doppelgänger, embodies my fascination. 
Those illuminating eyes could fill the universe. 
I would long to peer into her mind, to see her. 
I wish to know this child who hides in the fold. 
I want to see her world from her point of view,
In her own words, just a brief glimpse will do. 
So I may hear and sense what hers all means. 

This creature is so wondrous, but so troubled. 
She becomes so easily confused, she panics. 
She retreats as quickly as her comfort allows. 
I step back, to take snapshot of her breadth. 
We have come so far, you have climbed a hill. 
The mountains, love, are still far ahead of you, 
I fear, and loathe the darknesses I do foresee. 
You sell your life short though, looking too far. 

The chemical standard, your active conscious
It betrays you splendors of the here and now. 
How I torment with your flaws, mine or yours. 
I'll see you history lessons I'd wish not teach. 
Seeing in you those even I can't change, mine
Is already beaten to submit by these demons,
I'd hoped for more, but gave different layers
To this easily battered spirit, and discourage. 

To lament even as she walks the miles keenly. 
She shall stumble for hundreds more smiling. 
I want to find her a steadier path to bore her. 
None awaits but my hands would build it if...
But I must bide her time to trial and to error. 
I cannot walk beyond the membrane splitting. 
To trust to fate the lessons she'd not listen to. 
To have faith that fate will smile on her there.  


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